Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System
  • Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm SystemPush Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System
  • Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm SystemPush Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System
  • Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm SystemPush Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System
  • Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm SystemPush Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System
  • Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm SystemPush Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System
  • Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm SystemPush Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System

Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System

push start PKE keyless entry Car Alarm system, PKE keyless entry, one-button start and stop, remote control start and stop, remote drive tail box, deteksi pompa bahan bakar, deteksi rem kaki, fungsi darurat

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Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System Details

Panggonan Asal: Guangdong, China Tipe: alarm mobil siji arah
Kontrol Jarak: 10~50m Fungsi: Entri Tanpa Kunci, Wiwiti Jarak Jauh
Tegangan operasi: 12V±3V Frekuensi (MHz): 433Mhz
Arus sepi: kurang saka 10mA Wektu timbal: 3-4 dina
Simpenan: ing saham Istilah pembayaran: T/T, Western Union, Paypal
jeneng produk: push start PKE keyless entry Car Alarm system Lingkup aplikasi: Kanggo mobil baterei 12V, van, truk pickup, SUV, lan liya-liyane, produk tujuan umum

push start PKE keyless entry Sistem Alarm Mobil Fitur:

push start PKE keyless entry Car Alarm system, PKE keyless entry, one-button start and stop, remote control start and stop, remote drive tail box, deteksi pompa bahan bakar, deteksi rem kaki, fungsi darurat

push start PKE keyless entry Sistem Alarm Mobil Fungsi utama:

1. PKE keyless entri, sensor otomatis ngalih kunci lawang mobil

2. Siji tombol kanggo miwiti, siji tombol kanggo mateni

3. Swara siji tombol, cahya munggah meter

4. Remot kontrol wiwitan, remot kontrol mandeg

5. Bukak kothak buntut kanthi remot kontrol (motor kothak buntut utawa instalasi tambahan dibutuhake)

6. Waspada anti-maling, anti-maling bisu

7. Kunci lawang kontrol tengah otomatis, nyopir dikunci, lan mesin dipateni kanggo mbukak kunci

8. Deteksi rem sikil

9. Inspeksi pompa lenga

push start PKE keyless entry Sistem Alarm Mobil Daftar kemasan:

1. Unit utama * 1

2. Tombol remot kontrol*2

3. Tombol wiwitan*1

4. Antena sensor *2

5. Mulai wiring harness * 1 (6 kabel tebal)

6. Deteksi wiring harness * 1 (6 kabel tipis)

7. Tombol Recovery* 1

8. Wiring diagram*1

Hot Tags: Push Start Pke Keyless Entry Car Alarm System, Produsen, Supplier, Pabrik, Grosir, Ing Simpenan, Merek, China, Murah, Diskon, Rega, Paling Anyar, Awet, CE, Lanjut

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